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Speech for the Raise our Voice campaign

On Wednesday 11 September 2024, I delivered a speech  to Federal Parliament written by 12 year old Fleur as part of the Raise our Voice campaign.  You can watch the full speech here or read the transcript below.



This speech was written by Ryan local, Fleur, 12, for the Raise Our Voice program. 

I'll begin with one of Australia's most prominent problems; the high expense of university degrees. I was honestly baffled by the cost of degrees that are necessary for our community.

In my vision of 2034, I want lower-to-no-cost teaching degrees, to make it more accessible for everyone. This means more teachers, and more children will be properly educated. My kids can enjoy the thrills of learning and be motivated to be the giver of knowledge, a teacher themselves.

We also need more funding and awareness for mental health, more focus on the 'inside-stuff', as I would call it. Hospitals where no one is ashamed of their illness, and inclusivity is key. Maybe all citizens could contribute a fee to fund these hospitals, and that would total up to quite a few million.

This solution can lower suicide rates, make families happier, save lives, and uplift everyone's spirits.

My generation will inherit what the current government is making, and honestly, I want to inherit a good country.

If we want change, we need to be the change, and the only way to do that is to try, try, try. With lower fees for any Uni degrees and more hospitals specifically for the 'inside issues' (mental health issues), we can move step by step to a Better Australia.

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