UPDATE - submissions have now closed. Please note most submissions are not public on the inquiry website yet as they are being manually reviewed by the committee.
You can read the joint submission written by myself, Stephen Bates MP and Max Chandler-Mather MP here.
You can also read my summary of the first hearing in Brisbane here. More hearings still to come.
After the Greens secured a Senate inquiry into aircraft noise, the inquiry is now seeking submissions from those affected by aircraft noise.
We know that for-profit airlines and airports hold enormous power over the government and regulators. This is your chance to share your story and shine a light on the corporate capture that has overtaken the industry, putting profits in the way of a good night’s sleep for so many across the country.
Making a submission is very straightforward, and can be as short as a few paragraphs if you wish. Submissions are published by default but you may choose to remain anonymous and/or keep your submission confidential.
You have until 30 April 2024 to make your submission. See further down this page for tips on how to write a strong submission.
You can then either submit it via email to [email protected] or via the online portal following the steps below. Note that if you email your submission, it will be published online unless you specifically request that it remain confidential.
After submissions close a series of public hearings will be held to take evidence from some submissions. The Committee will then incorporate evidence from submissions and the hearings into its report, which is due 8 October 2024.
- Register at aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/OnlineSubmission (and confirm your registration by clicking the link that is emailed to you).
- Login at aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/OnlineSubmission/Submit (if you aren’t already) and select ‘Impact and mitigation of aircraft noise’, click ‘next’.
- Confirm whether you are making a personal submission or submitting on behalf of an organisation.
- Fill in your contact details and click ‘next’.
- Select whether you wish for your name and/or submission to remain confidential. If you don’t select this, it will be published online on the committee’s website.
- Upload your file (it can be a pdf, doc, docx or txt file).
Submissions should address the terms of reference - you should address all that apply to you, but do not need to address all terms of reference if they’re not relevant to your personal experience.
The terms of reference are listed below with some prompts that may help you compose your submission:
(a) the effect of aircraft noise on amenity, physical and mental wellbeing and everyday life of residents;
Use this as your opportunity to share your personal story of aircraft noise impacts, and how it has affected your mental and physical health. For example, you might detail the effects on your sleep.
(b) the effect of aircraft noise on small business;
Has aircraft noise affected your ability to do your job?
Has aircraft noise reduced the viability of your business?
(c) any proposals for the mitigation and limitation of aircraft noise, including flight curfews, changes to flight paths and alternatives to air travel;
What regulatory or legislative changes would you like to see to address noise?
What impact would a curfew or cap on total flights have?
(d) any barriers to the mitigation and limitation of aircraft noise; and
What in your view has stopped action being taken on this issue, to date?
(e) any other related matters.
Here include anything related to the aircraft noise issue that doesn’t fall under the other terms of reference.
- Ensure your submission is relevant and highlights your personal and/or professional experience. Be clear about the physical, emotional and financial impacts of your experience.
- Keep your submission concise - submissions can be as short as a few paragraphs.
- Begin with a brief introduction about yourself or the organisation you represent.
- Clearly emphasise your key points, ensuring the most important information is not buried.
- Outline potential solutions, as the committee seeks innovative ideas from submissions to form recommendations.
- Include only documents that directly relate to your key points.
- Only include information that you are comfortable seeing published on the internet.
If you’d like to hear more from us and get involved in our campaign, sign up on this page to receive email updates from me about the campaign against flight noise.