Ryan is turning Green!
And what better place to celebrate the electorate moving left than at Lefty's!
Join us for an evening of entertainment and celebrations to launch the Ryan campaign.
We'll have live music, stand-up comics, and your favourite Greens special guests.
Boogie to live music with Red Le Clerc, JAM, Chocolate Strings, and Sir & Lydia. Have a giggle with stand up comic Desh.
Special guest speakers Michael Berkman MP for Maiwar, Amy MacMahon MP for South Brisbane, Senator Larissa Waters and Penny Allman-Payne Greens Senate candidate, will join our candidate Elizabeth Watson-Brown to share the Greens’ vision for Ryan and the transformation of Australian politics.
Buy your tickets now as space is strictly limited! Tickets can be purchased at the door only if capacity allows.
Join our celebrations, and our movement! Come celebrate with us at Libby's Lefty’s Launch!