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Bring back 20 mental health sessions

Mental health care should be accessible, timely and free.

The Greens plan is designed to support people at every stage of their mental health journey. This includes

  • Ensuring mental healthcare is fully covered under Medicare - so appointments are free
  • Removing the limit on appointments with psychiatrist or psychologist

Early in 2023 I ran a petition to stop the Labor government cutting the cap on subsidised mental health sessions from 20 back down to 10. With the cost of living and housing crises taking an increasing toll on people's mental health, now is the time to be expanding support, not cutting it.

While the number of subsidised sessions is only one part of the broader picture of mental health care the government should provide, this support should be increased, not taken away.

Thanks to everyone that has signed the petition so far. You can watch my speech in Parliament in response, or read the transcript, here.

600 Signatures

585 Signatures

Will you sign?

We call on the federal government to immediately reinstate the 10 extra Medicare-subsidised sessions under the Better Access initiative, taking the total back to 20 a year.

We also request that the government commit to exploring ways to expand Medicare to cover unlimited, free mental health sessions as a matter of urgency.

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