Our campaign for Ryan has grown so much in a short time, having had thousands of powerful, persuasive conversations with voters about Elizabeth and the Greens' platform to fight for the future. The reception has been incredibly positive, with many voters expressing their intention to go Green for the first time this election.
We already know that after the huge campaigns for the Council and State elections in 2020 that the west side has the potential to undertake a historic win here in Ryan.
To have the best chance of making it over that line, we'd need to hire another campaign staffer earlier than already planned, to increase our capacity to organise volunteers, contact voters and get persuasive material out to the electorate.
In the 2017 State Election, Michael Berkman first won Maiwar by only 78 votes, and it seems that in Ryan the results could similarly be right down to the wire.
Any size donation is greatly appreciated and will improve our chances of flipping this seat for the Greens.