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Stronger Communities Grants

Expressions of interest are now open for the Stronger Communities 2025 programme. 

Apply here.

Funding is available for community organisations to undertake projects across Ryan - with a particular focus on delivering social benefits in communities across Australia.

Grants are available between $2500 and $20,000.

These Grants are designed to:

  • Encourage and support participation in local projects
  • Improve community participation
  • Contribute to liveable and viable communities 

Who can apply? 

  • not-for-profit incorporated organisations
  • non-distributing co-operatives
  • companies limited by guarantee
  • Australian Indigenous corporations
  • religious organisations incorporated under legislation
  • an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust with responsibility for a community asset or property
  • a local governing body.

Note: your project must be located within the federal electorate of Ryan. (You can find your local electorate at the AEC website.) 

If you are an organisation that may not be able to incorporate, including parish churches, rural fire brigades, scout groups, Parents and Citizens Associations (P&C’s) or equivalent bodies, you may be able to nominate an eligible project sponsor - who themselves must meet the above eligibility criteria. See section 4.2 of the grant guidelines.

Still not sure if you’re eligible?

You can contact Elizabeth's office on 07 3378 1599 or by email at [email protected] if you would like to discuss the program or your idea with us.

How does it work?

Applications take place in 3 steps: 

  1. Our office will be collecting expressions of interest (EOI) about local projects in the Ryan Electorate
  2. Elizabeth and a Community Committee will consult the EOI’s and nominate projects until the allocated funding is exhausted.
  3. Nominated projects will be invited to complete an application by the Department through GrantConnect

You can submit an expression of interest here.

What can the funding be used for? 

Grants can be used for capital purchases and projects. Spending that is not associated with a capital project (e.g. staff or volunteer education, salaries, ongoing operational expenditure) is not eligible for a Stronger Communities Programme.

Please note the eligibility criteria for projects has changed substantially from previous rounds of the Stronger Communities Grants. Projects must support at least one of the objectives listed under section 2 of the Grant Guidelines AND must be one of the activities listed under section 5.1 of the Grant Guidelines.

Key Dates to Remember

Expressions of Interest close - 5pm AEST, 23 February 2025
Closing date of applications - 5pm AEDT, 28 March 2025

Our Electorate Office is available to assist, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions. Further details and full program guidelines are available here.