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Flight Noise Forum

Brisbane residents already suffer from the worst flight noise in the country, and more and more people are missing out on a good night’s sleep and the quiet enjoyment of their home since the opening of the second runway in 2020.

I've been working alongside my Greens colleagues and the affected community to get sensible policy since before the 2022 election. You can read the background here: it's clear that neither of the major parties are prepared to back the people over airline profits.

We’ve secured important wins with commitments for more flights over the water, and the Senate inquiry into aircraft noise (where we discovered the Qld Government is subsidising some of the most disruptive flights!), but our power in Parliament is only as strong as the community behind us. Join us at this free community forum so we can plan the next phase of our campaign to win caps and curfews at Brisbane Airport so that Brisbane residents can get a good night's sleep. 

Big numbers at events like this are crucial to continue growing our movement. If you can drop some flyers promoting this forum in your neighbourhood, head to this page to sign up.

September 25, 2024 at 6:00pm - 8pm
Kenmore Uniting Church Hall
982 Moggill Rd
Kenmore, QLD 4069
Google map and directions
Ryan Electorate Office ·

Will you come?