I'm the Greens' portfolio holder for Transport, Infrastructure and Sustainable Cities. As a former architect, I know we can design better systems than the ones we have. Transport is one of the largest contributors to Australia’s carbon emissions, so to tackle the climate crisis, we need to re-think transport. For too long, our cities have been designed for cars, not people. That's made us unhealthy, our streets congested and unsafe, and stopped us from investing in alternatives.
Calling for QLD's 50c fares to be implemented nationwide
We’re in a cost of living crisis, and the cost of getting from A to B is putting more and more pressure on already struggling households. Households are spending almost $450 per week on average on transport, including more than $100 per week on fuel alone.
Australian cities have some of the most expensive public transport in the world. Meanwhile, our roads are choked with traffic causing increased commute times and more carbon pollution.
Queensland’s recent shift to 50c fares has been proven to be a huge success, it has reduced traffic, massively increased ridership on public transport, and saved Queenslanders millions. Now it’s time to roll it out across the country.
50c fares are proven to work, popular and ready to go. The federal government has the money and ability to do this right now. If it’s good enough for both Queensland Labor and LNP, surely it is good enough for Federal Labor.
Making public transport fares just 50c would mean that someone working full-time using public transport for getting to and from their workplace would spend only $5 on their weekly commute. Just on fares, this would save:
Melbourne: up to $48 per week, $4608 per year per household
Sydney: up to $45 per week, $4320 per year per household
Perth: up to $41.80 per week, $4012.80 per year per household
Adelaide: up to $39 per week, $3744 per year per household
Why the federal government should invest in public transport
In my seat of Ryan, traffic congestion is a major headache for residents. Moggill Rd, one of the main roads in the electorate, is one of the worst roads in Australia for congestion.
In February 2023, I spoke in Parliament about the need for federal government to play a greater role in funding public transport.
The Ryan Transport Survey
Having lived in the area for most of my life, I didn’t need to be told that traffic is an issue in Ryan. Over the decades, as I’ve raised my kids and seen my grandkids grow up in the area, the issues we’re facing have only gotten worse. One of the first things I did as the member for Ryan, was conduct a detailed survey of the traffic and transport issues facing my large and geographically diverse electorate, which includes urban and rural-type landscapes.
You can read the full report or add your thoughts.